Service & Sermon: 6 October (20th Sunday after Pentecost) - Genesis 2:18-25, "God's Gift of Marriage"
Service & Sermon: 29 September (19th Sunday after Pentecost) - Luke 10:17–20
Service & Sermon: 22 September (18th Sunday after Pentecost) - Mark 9:30-37, "Serving All"
Service & Sermon: 15 September (17th Sunday after Pentecost) - Isaiah 50:4-10, "Morning by Morning"
Service & Sermon: 8 September (16th Sunday after Pentecost) - Mark 7:24-37, "The One Who Brings Us Out of Darkness"
Service & Sermon: 1 September (15th Sunday after Pentecost) - Ephesians 6:10-20, "Fully Protected"
Service & Sermon: 25 August (14th Sunday after Pentecost) - John 6:51-69, Isaiah 29:11-19, "Hearts Set on Christ"
Service & Sermon: 18 August (13th Sunday after Pentecost) - John 6:51-69, "The Church's Hope - Jesus' Word of Power"
Service & Sermon: 11 August (12th Sunday after Pentecost) - 1 Kings 19:1-8, "Sustenance for the Journey"
Service & Sermon: 4 August (11th Sunday after Pentecost) - Exodus 16:2-15, “Bread from Heaven’”
Service & Sermon: 28 July (10th Sunday after Pentecost) - Genesis 9:8-17, "Assurance from God"
Service & Sermon: 21 July (9th Sunday after Pentecost) - Mark 6:30-44, "More than Enough for All"
Service & Sermon: 14 June (8th Sunday after Pentecost) - Mark 6:14–29
Service & Sermon: 7 June (7th Sunday after Pentecost) - Mark 6:1–13
Service & Sermon: 30 June (Independence Day Celebrated) - John 8:31–36, "Freedom through Christ"
Service & Sermon: 23 June (5th Sunday after Pentecost) - Mark 4:35-41, "Why are you Afraid?"
Service & Sermon: 16 June (4th Sunday after Pentecost) - Mark 4:26-34, "The Mustard Seed"
Service & Sermon: 9 June (3rd Sunday after Pentecost) - 2 Corinthians 4:13-5:1, "An Eternal Home"
Service & Sermon: 2 June (2nd Sunday after Pentecost) - Mark 2:23 - 3:6, "Lord of the Sabbath"
Service & Sermon: 26 May (Holy Trinity Sunday) - Isaiah 6:1-8, "Holy, Holy, Holy"