Service & Sermon: 23 February 2005 (7th Sunday after Epiphany) - Genesis 45:3-15, "Sent to Preserve Life"
Service & Sermon: 16 February 2005 (6th Sunday after Epiphany) - 1 Corinthians 15:1-20, "Most Importantly... the Gospel!"
Service & Sermon: 9 February (5th Sunday after Epiphany) - Isaiah 6:1-8, "The God Who Prepares & Sends"
Service & Sermon: 2 February (Presentation of Our Lord) - 1 Samuel 1:21-28,"Faithfulness of God"
Service & Sermon: 26 January (3rd Sunday after Epiphany) - Nehemiah 8:1–3, 5–6, 8–10, "Hear the Good News…Rejoice in Christ!"
Service & Sermon: 19 January (2nd Sunday after Epiphany) - John 2:1-11, "A New Way"
Service & Sermon: 12 January (The Baptism of our Lord) - Isaiah 43:1-7, "Baptized in Christ"
Service & Sermon: 5 January (Epiphany Celebrated) - Isaiah 60:1-6, "Your Light Has Come"
Service & Sermon: 29 December (1st Sunday after Christmas) - Luke 2:22-40, "Your Salvation"
Service & Sermon: 24 December (Christmas Eve) - Isaiah 9:1-2, 6-7, "His Name Shall be Called, Prince of Peace"
Service & Sermon: 15 December (3rd Sunday in Advent) - Zephaniah 3:14-20, "Joy from the Lord"
Service & Sermon: 8 December (2nd Sunday in Advent) - Malachi 3:1-7b, "The Unchanging Savior"
Service & Sermon: 1 December (1st Sunday in Advent) - Luke 21 "End Times"
Service & Sermon: 24 November (Thanksgiving Celebrated) - Luke 17:11–19, "Gratitude"
Service & Sermon: 17 November (26th Sunday after Pentecost) - Mark 13:1-13, "The One Who Endures"
Service & Sermon: 10 November (Stewardship Sunday) - Mark 12:38-44, "Hope in Christ"
Service & Sermon: 3 November (All Saints Day Celebrated) - Rev. 2:2-27, "Who are These?"
Service & Sermon: 27 October (Reformation Day Celebrated) - Romans 3:19-28, "Pillars of the Faith"
Service & Sermon: 20 October (22nd Sunday after Pentecost) - Hebrews 4:1-13, "Law & Gospel"
Service & Sermon: 13 October (21st Sunday after Pentecost) - Mark 10:17-22, "Clinging to the Cross"